April 16, 2024


Without Art It's Really Boring!!!

What You Should Know About Addictions This Year

2 min read

Points To Note On Dangers Of Drugs

Drugs are substances that are harmful to the body upon consumption. A lot of individuals all over the world are involved in the use of drugs. Individuals consume drugs for different reasons. Most people find comfort and pleasure in taking drugs. Drug intake is regarded as an enjoyable activity to drug users due to the stimulation felt after taking the drugs. Individuals who indulge in drugs for enjoyment argue that drugs are fun to consume and enable them to improve their moods. Some people use drugs as a way of trying something new. Using drugs for experimenting is mainly out of curiosity.

An individual feels the urge to know how it feels to be under the influence of drugs hence thy use drugs. A number of people also use drugs to help them cope with a certain situation they may be facing. Individuals who are undergoing depression and anxiety may opt for drugs to cope with their situation. A person is confident that drug intake will aid them in taking care of their problems. Taking drugs can be done in various ways. Some drugs such as marijuana can be smoked as a way of ingesting them into the body. Taking marijuana can be done through many ways such as injecting, inhaling and others. Consuming drugs posses many dangers to the body. These effects may be long-term or short-term effects depending on the duration and amount of drugs one ingests. Marijuana is one of the commonly used drugs among the people. The introduction of marijuana in the body is done through smoking and vaping. Various people also add marijuana into their food and drinks for consumption. Marijuana has been found to contribute to altering the functioning of the brain. There are harmful compounds found in marijuana such as the Tetrahydrocannabinol that have an effect on the brain when marijuana is consumes. Taking of marijuana has adverse effects on the brain of a human being.

People who take marijuana may end up having hallucinations. Hallucinations entails an individual having false perceptions of things that do not exist. A person who is experiencing hallucinations may have a false sense of smell, hearing and seeing false things. Taking marijuana may also lead one to develop conditions such as Schizophrenia which is a severe mental condition. Schizophrenia makes an individual be delusional and tampers with their cognitive abilities. The young people who use marijuana at a very early age may experience brain impairment. People who take alcohol excessively may also experience severe health issues. Individuals who take alcohol in excess may have diseases such as liver disease,depression, and many others. Excessive drinking of alcohol may lead to one battling oral and esophagus cancer. These diseases could be life-threatening and may cause death if the drinking habit continues. When an expectant woman consumes alcohol, they may give birth to children with impaired thinking.

A Quick Rundown of Rehab

A Quick Rundown of Rehab

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